Hello! I’m Sara

I am an optimist, and that applies to my attitude about money. I believe our attitudes are the single most important factor in determining our outcomes. As a child I was instilled with the belief that anything is possible. I had advantages like being an only-child to two hard-working business owners and an only-grandchild to next-door grandparents that modeled entrepreneurship, feminism, and the importance of education. My learned attitude played a part in my ability to finish graduate school with 4-figure student debt, buy a house by myself at age 25, and take risks like investing in the stock market as a teenager. I had family support combined with a confidence in limitless possibilities. This background and belief system led to my ultimate leap of faith when, after 10 years as a financial advisor, I started this company.

Sara Kermenski, CFP®, Founder

In 2015, I found out I was having twins. The experience of going from a family of three to one of five was life changing. In order to spend the time I wanted at home, I had to prioritize, focus, and get things done. I used the time while I was pregnant with twins, and then home with three little ones, to complete my CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation so I could elevate my advice to my clients. That brought me into a national network of exceptional, ethical financial and investment planners who desire to help people achieve the results they want.


I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, hold the FINRA Series 7, 63, and 65 Securities licenses, and the Vermont Life & Health license.

Translation: I am a qualified financial and investment planner licensed to sell nearly all types of securities, life insurance and long-term care insurance. I have used Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. (a national broker-dealer) since 2011 because I believe in an independent business model for my clients. I can work with clients in any state.


I live in Vermont with my husband, and our kids are the 4th generation to live on this property. It's fair to say that cold, muddy and rural are attributes I look for in a town. In the winter I can be found cross-country skiing, binge-ing Scandinavian crime dramas, and creating repeat patterns inspired by the woods around my house (Iike these). In the summer I can be found taking my kids to the town pond, splitting firewood, and dreaming about winter.

Company values


  • Live your best financial life

  • 85% of your success is attitude

  • Money is a tool for positive change in the world


  • Commitment to lifelong learning and doing

  • Flexibility to implement new ideas

  • Risk and discomfort can lead to opportunities


  • Impact through business ownership

  • Safe place where all ideas are valued

  • You are not alone